Salary Schedule Lanes: Your Million Dollar (or two or three) Decision

Many school districts have a salary schedule for teachers where your pay increases based on a combination of the number of years you have taught in the district ("steps") and the educational level you attain ("lanes"). While steps are automatic (well, except for the occasional bad budget year where steps are frozen), lanes are dependent … Continue reading Salary Schedule Lanes: Your Million Dollar (or two or three) Decision

Coloradans Can Buy a Used Tesla Model 3 for as low as $13,000

Yeah, I know, I write about EVs a lot for a blog focused on financial literacy for educators. Part of that reason is because of the climate emergency we are presently in that I think we should all be urgently addressing. But, even ignoring the climate emergency, EVs are just way more efficient, less hassle … Continue reading Coloradans Can Buy a Used Tesla Model 3 for as low as $13,000