Financial Literacy In One Sentence

When I talk with people about financial topics, either in my class or in person, they often say something along the lines of, But it’s so complicated! I agree that some topics can get pretty complicated, and certainly there are many things you can learn to help you optimize your finances. But I also gently push back and say something like, “While there are many things you can learn to become better at ‘finances’, I think that finances or ‘financial literacy’ is actually pretty straightforward. In fact, it’s so straightforward that I can do it in one sentence.”

Financial Literacy is spending less than you make, on the things that you value, and saving and investing the rest in low-cost, diversified index funds selected based on your investment time horizon.

That’s it. That’s financial literacy. Now, as I indicated, there is a lot more you can learn about that will help you optimize and do even better. That’s why this blog exists, to help you do better. But, in essence, everything comes back to that one sentence. It’s the cornerstone of being successful financially and for living the “good life” however you define that. So don’t let your fear that finances are “complex” get in the way of being financially successful. Simply refer back to that sentence in just about every financial context you can think of and it will likely lead you to the simple – yet still effective – answer.

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