Salary Schedule Lanes: Your Million Dollar (or two or three) Decision

Many school districts have a salary schedule for teachers where your pay increases based on a combination of the number of years you have taught in the district ("steps") and the educational level you attain ("lanes"). While steps are automatic (well, except for the occasional bad budget year where steps are frozen), lanes are dependent … Continue reading Salary Schedule Lanes: Your Million Dollar (or two or three) Decision

New Teacher (Financial) Orientation

I've been doing some financial presentations for educators in various Colorado school districts. As part of the intro to my presentation I reference the fairly typical "90-minute New Employee Orientation" that school districts often provide for new teachers and that, while these are well-intentioned, they usually fall woefully short of what they could (and should) … Continue reading New Teacher (Financial) Orientation

Colorado Teachers Just Got a Big Raise: Now What?

First, I need to apologize, because not every Colorado teacher just got a big raise. But due to a confluence of circumstances, quite a few did. These circumstances include: The state legislature having surplus dollars and finally deciding to try to make up for the years of underfunding of K-12 education (known, I kid you … Continue reading Colorado Teachers Just Got a Big Raise: Now What?

Salary Schedule Lanes: How Much Difference Do They Really Make?

Update 6-16-24: I've revised and added to this post. So please read the updated post instead of this one. Many school districts have a salary schedule for teachers where your pay increases based on a combination of the number of years you have taught in the district ("steps") and the educational level you attain ("lanes"). … Continue reading Salary Schedule Lanes: How Much Difference Do They Really Make?